Untuk memungkinkan pelanggan menikmati pengalaman layanan yang aman dan menyenangkan di, kami meminta pelanggan kami untuk membaca ?Ketentuan Kebijakan Privasi? ini dengan hati-hati karena akan melibatkan hal-hal yang terkait dengan penggunaan informasi pribadi Anda oleh kami. menghargai informasi privasi pribadi yang diberikan kepada kami oleh pelanggan kami. Kami akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk menjaga keamanan informasi dan data Anda. Kami memiliki hak untuk memberikan informasi pribadi yang diperlukan melalui situs web kepada penyedia layanan platform pembayaran, serta lembaga keuangan dan asuransi, untuk menyelesaikan pembayaran.
Semua informasi pribadi yang diberikan oleh anggota dikirimkan melalui sumber yang aman terenkripsi SSL 128-bit dan disimpan di lingkungan yang aman yang tidak dapat diakses oleh masyarakat umum. Akses internal ke semua data akan sangat terbatas dan diawasi dengan ketat.
Kami akan mengirimkan email kepada Anda penawaran promosi yang mungkin menarik bagi Anda. tidak akan pernah mengungkapkan informasi pribadi apa pun kepada pihak ketiga mana pun. Ini adalah tujuan kebijakan privasi yang selalu kami ikuti.
Pada saat yang sama kami juga akan menunjukkan bagaimana kami menangani data pelanggan. Kami memiliki kewajiban hukum terhadap Anda untuk menggunakan data pribadi Anda, dan kami harus memiliki alasan yang masuk akal untuk mengumpulkan data Anda (tentang mengapa data pribadi pelanggan dikumpulkan, kami memiliki deskripsi halaman tertentu), menginformasikan tujuan mengumpulkan data Anda. data, dan Perlu untuk meneruskannya ke orang lain dan kami akan memberi tahu Anda secara pribadi.
Penggunaan data pribadi kami meliputi:
- Digunakan untuk mengkonfirmasi identitas Anda dan akun Anda untuk membuat profil pelanggan
- Kelola hubungan pelanggan
- Tinjauan Keamanan
- Layanan yang memuaskan
KYC Policy of
The Company adheres to and complies with "Know your customer" principles, which aim to prevent financial crime and money laundering through client identification and due diligence.
The Company reserves the right, at any time, to ask for any KYC documentation it deems necessary to determine the identity and location of a user in We reserve the right to restrict the service, payment, or withdrawal until identity is sufficiently determined, or for any other reason in our sole discretion based on the legal framework.
We take a risk-based approach and perform strict due diligence checks and ongoing monitoring of all clients, customers, and transactions. As per the money laundering regulations, we utilize three stages of due diligence checks, depending on the risk, transaction, and customer type.
- SDD - simplified due diligence is used in instances of extremely low-risk transactions that do not meet the required thresholds
- CDD - customer due diligence is the standard for due diligence checks, used in most cases for verification and identification
- EDD - Enhanced Due Diligence is used for high-risk customers, large transactions or special cases.
Separately and in addition to the above ,when a user makes an aggregate lifetime total of deposits exceeding EUR 10,000 or requests a withdrawal of any amount inside the , or attempts to or completes a transaction that is deemed suspicious, then it is compulsory for them to complete the full KYC process.
During this process, the user will have to input some basic details about themselves and then upload
- A copy of Government Issued Photo ID (in some cases front and back depending on the ID document)
- A selfie of themselves holding the ID doc
- A bank statement/Utility Bill
Guideline for the "KYC Process"
1. Proof of ID
- Signature Is there
- Country is not one of the following Restricted Countries:
France and it’s territories
Netherlands and it's territories
Union of Comoros
United Kingdom
USA and it's territories
All FATF Blacklisted countries,
any other jurisdictions deemed prohibited by Anjouan Offshore Financial Authority. - Full Name matches client's name
- Document does not expire in the next 3 months
- Owner is over 18 years of age
2. Proof of Residence
- Bank Statement or Utility Bill
- Country is not one of the following Restricted Countries:
France and it's territories
Netherlands and it's territories
Union of Comoros
United Kingdom
USA and it's territories
All FATF Blacklisted countries,
any other jurisdictions deemed prohibited by Anjouan Offshore Financial Authority. - Full Name matches client's name and is same as in proof of ID.
- Date of Issue: In the last 3 months
Selfie with ID
- Holder is the same as in the ID document above
- ID document is the same as in "1". Make sure photo/ID number is the same
Notes on the "KYC Process"
- When the KYC process is unsuccessful then the reason is documented and a support ticket is created in the system. The ticket number along with an explanation is communicated back to the user.
- Once all proper documents are in our possession then the account gets approved.